Thursday, January 20, 2011

Peppero Day

Hello again! Yes it has been about 2.5 months….pretty bad blogging….and since I haven’t been blogging I haven’t really taken that many pictures. I am a bad bad bad blogger. So here is a wonderful picture of Laura (my coworker who lives below me) and I letting out some steam with some lovely facemasks. Kids often give gifts to the teachers and of course beauty supplies are high on the list.

So I am going to rewind back to November 11th 2010! 11/11 is a very special day in Korea when the whole country celebrates the wonderous creation of Peppero. Peppero (Japanese people have Pocky). This is a wonderful mini sweet breadstick dipped in chocolate and packaged to eat!

So this day is celebrated mainly by couples (they get each other elaborate baskets and giant peppero) and by school children! I receive a tooooon of peppero!!! Here is a picture of my pepperro haul.

I actually got a lot more than is pictured but I gave it away during the day. My biggest peppero gift was from Daniel in my Kindergarten. I was incredibly surprised because he doesn’t usually bring me small gifts and his mother (although incredibly nice) doesn’t seem like the type to spend 20 dollars on a peppero gift basket! It was a wonderful surprise.

So that’s it for Peppero day!

Goodbye for the moment!

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